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I freaking Hate this Mission With a elf.

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I freaking Hate this Mission With a elf.

by Falmosta on 2010/10/18 23:48

So I finally get past the freaking spiders and get the boss only to get knocked right out of trans upon exiting the boss cut scene. Right after I had used shock to. The Cut scene removed my brioniac interface. I swear... this mission better not be required I've already wasted 10 nao stones on this stupid mission. Not to mention the mp pots I wasted on my rank f mana shield. I had no problem with this mission on my human. This is therefore showing that elves get the short end of the defense stick.
Really that is kinda lame. Well I know i can get there easier once I up heat buster a bit.
by Falmosta on Oct. 21st at 6:45 PM
just means u cant find special dungeon passes like the red dragon in shadow relm
by xTeknox on Oct. 20th at 12:53 AM
O wow... nexon ish sooooooo racest
by ♥ Saya ♥ on Oct. 19th at 5:40 PM