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by Healing Gibby on 2010/10/12 20:42

It's all fun and games until the noob figures out how to solo hard sms. Yay for bandages.
That fact that it did with leymore and cai made me happy :D
by Healing Gibby on Oct. 19th at 7:32 PM
I didn't think party heal would work on the npc's
by Falmosta on Oct. 18th at 3:36 PM
noo it darker then neon. neon is bright and vibrant
by ♥ Saya ♥ on Oct. 13th at 7:49 PM
Do note that it's not 10% of max hp healed but UP TO 10% of TOTAL amount healed. Cai and Leymore have massive hp. I have to do like 50 heals for a perfect heal. Futhermore, I WANT THEM TO USE LIFE DRAIN!
by Healing Gibby on Oct. 13th at 7:46 PM
1. Ill trade u something for that dye :D 2. master of party heal = you can heal wounds? Doesnt that eliminate bandages?
by claypot19 on Oct. 13th at 3:31 PM
I'm not sure if it's neon though. thanks for looking at my inventory ^^
by Healing Gibby on Oct. 13th at 6:42 AM
Do i c a blue dye in there?!?!
by ♥ Saya ♥ on Oct. 12th at 10:11 PM