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re: Exploring the new Mabi


I see. Well I'll give it a try and see how it goes. I don't mind spending some money to get characters to use.

On MOBAs I generally like to play as a carry but I know that may not be a good idea when I'm still starting out.

So I think I am going to be most comfortable starting with a character that is a ranged single-target nuker with good escapes. What do you think is a good character for that? xD

Since we're on this topic, what do you think are good characters for jungling, ganking, pushing, initiating and disabling? I usually prefer characters that move quick and can escape rather than rely on toughness and recovery. I also find that I am very good with characters that benefit from map awareness (characters with global skills) and characters that are greatly rewarded for micro intensive plays. So... that typically means range characters are a must for me lol

My worst roles are supports and tanks so don't give me those! =P


For Dota2 I haven't played in awhile but I did play ranked quite a bit and I got pretty high. So from what I remember, standard play is usually 1 on mid, 1 on easy lane, 1 jungle, and 2 on hard lane. If no jungler then it would 2 on easy lane instead. If there are 2 carries that need to be fed with no jungler, sometimes the team is okay with 1 mid, 1 easy lane, and 3 hard lane. You can use this picture as an illustration of the lanes ->

Generally it's good to ward the runes near the middle that spawn every 2 minutes. It's always good to get a bottle as a starting item to store these runes because they give you excellent buffs.

ALWAYS value your character's life. In almost every situation, it's better to retreat and find another opportunity for a sure kill than to risk dying to get an early advantage. This is because you lose a lot of gold when your character dies. It is better to farm your gold slowly killing last hits (doing the killing blow on monsters) than to kill players, ESPECIALLY on the early game.

Laning is so important. You'll have to focus on last hits and deny enemies from getting last hits. Last hits are the only way to get gold from monsters. Be generous with the carries of your team, make them take the kill or last hit if you have a choice so they can get more gold. Ofcourse if you are also a carry, then it doesn't matter.

Sometimes the battle is decided just from when the players choose their heroes. Do not ever try something like 5 carries lol. Always have a support that can compliment the team and can place wards.

If 2 members of your team die. You have to be REALLY careful until they re-spawn again. Group together with your remaining teammates, stay near towers. Focus on delaying. Lose a few towers if you have to. Avoid suffering more character deaths, especially a complete team wipe out. It is really hard to get back in a DOTA game after a team wipe out.

General strategy on team fights is if you have an initiator, let that character start the team fight to give you guys an advantage. Always aim for the DPS or Support characters first. NEVER the tanks. Some characters have OP team support skills. If possible, be aggressive in initiating a team fight when their "team fight support character" is disabled or still re-spawning.

Heroes to watch out for:

Pudge - Initiator, can pull you in to force an engagement. In early games, Pudge can pull you in to the tower which can kill you really fast if you're not careful. Always zigzag and keep your distance when fighting Pudge. He usually mids. Pudge can hide behind trees to catch you. Always good to report his position to your team whenever he moves.

Spirit Breaker - Ganker. Even at low levels he can charge at you and go through walls. Always be map aware on the position of Spirit breaker. Never go deep in enemy territory when spirit break is around since he will always find a way to catch you. Always think of ways to escape. Good players will always alert their team if they see Spirit Breaker charging. Always pay attention to team communication.

Riki / Bounty Hunter / Nyx / Weaver / Clinkz - Early cloakers. If you lane with them, stay near towers early game if you want to save on sentry wards. Always be aware where they are last seen. If you haven't seen them in awhile, assume that they are near you (especially Riki) so do not ever jungle alone or advance alone during those times.

Blood Seeker - Has map hacks if you are low on health. Always keep your health high or do not risk "hiding" when you are low health when the other team has Blood Seeker

Nature's Prophet - Can teleport anywhere even on lower levels. Ofcourse this character won't risk teleporting to put himself in danger and he isn't much of a nuker, but he can disable you. Always think of the possibility that he might finish you off when you are at low health.

Zeus - His ult damages everyone on the map. If you're fighting a Zeus, do not have low HP when his ult is not on cooldown (90 seconds).

Mirana - Initiator. Has the longest stun in the game. If you get hit by her slow moving big arrow, you can expect that the whole team will come running to kill you lol. So avoid her sacred arrow!

Abaddon - Most noobs get a lot of hate because they don't know about Abaddon's ult. When Abaddon activates his ult, he burns with blue flame and ALL damage heal him. So DO NOT attack him when he has his ult on. It should only last 6 seconds at most. The worst you can do is heal Abaddon and waste all your skill cooldowns.

Meepo - Meepo can make many clones of himself. What's important to know is that you only have to kill ONE of them to kill ALL of them. So always find the target your nuker is focusing on. Decide on one Meepo. Do not waste your time hurting all of them but not killing one.

Legion Commander - Her ult forces you to duel her. Never risk going close to her when you have low health. Dying from her duel is especially damaging to your team because she will gain permanent stats when she wins. Legion Commander can snowball really quickly if she keeps winning her duels.

Huskar - Has strong regen when his health is low. If you get him at low health, make sure you finish the job with a nuke skill. Otherwise it would be so frustrating not to kill him when he is at low health.

Other than those, all the other characters play pretty standard and are predictable enough. If you know about the characters I mentioned, you won't be an obvious noob since you will be able to avoid lots of embarrassing moments lol. Let me know if these are similar things I have to watch out for in League.


In terms of items you'll generally just have to find items that compliment your character. I generally like items that make me more mobile or escape in the early game. This allows me to pick my engagements, control the map, and save my team mates. Then on the late game, that's when I focus on heavy hitting. But if you're character is already mobile, then I guess strengthening your damage or disabling items would be the best choice.

The community is generally pretty okay. Everyone does tend to blame someone when your team is badly losing but just take people's advice. I find that the most rude types of people in Dota2 are usually the Spanish players but you won't understand them and they pretend not to understand you so it's okay! xD


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re: Exploring the new Mabi


I looked at some Dota2 champs and I'm like... no... no.. NOOOOOO

Dota champs are definitely a different breed compared to league champs by that I mean spells cost a lot more mana, turning speeds exist, and there is a ton of hard cc that seem pretty relyable omg what is up with that. I heard that Dota2 makes every hero op so it is balanced like that but this is too much. In league most champs are not as... uhh how should I say it good... as dota heros. Lots of abilities are although on a much lower mana cost aren't super high impact abilities and most cc abilities aren't longer than 2 seconds. And some league champs don't even use mana as a resource they like... either use energy (kinda like mana but regenerates at a very high speed) or they don't even have a resource for their skills and so the only thing the user has to worry about are cooldowns on abilities. Also silences on an assassin what up with that?!?! Maybe it is cause every hero in dota is supposed to be op in that way so they can get away with that, but yea... in League Riot has taken away silences from assassins because they felt like there was no counter in lane to those kinds of abilities.

Before I get into how the lanes work I gota mention summoner spells I don't think dota has anything like this except for certain items in the shops that have similar characteristics to these spells. Anyways summoner spells are spells that you pick out before the match of a game that have long cooldowns and game changing affects due to their unique effects. Also you can only bring 2 summoner spells to use for the duration of the entire match.

Lanes in League work like this

Top lane is usually a melee tank or a bruiser(a champ that is tanky but not as tanky as a real tank and deals damage but not as much as an assassin would) at times other champs can show up like mages, adcs(auto attack dps classes that deal damage over time), and assassins but the last 3 are less common. The reason for this is top lane is a long lane and if you don't have an escape / are super tanky even if you ward you can just end up dying cause top laners usually have hard cc to compliment the jungler so be careful when playing ranged champs without escapes top lane. The summoner spells they take are usually flash(this ability is similar to blink dagger), teleport( tp scroll like ability that lets you tp to any allied.. thing usually they are used to tp to your own tower to get back into lane fast or tp onto a ward/ minion in another lane to join a fight) or ignite (a spell that causes the target champ to take true damage over time and it also lowers any healing/health regen on the champ)

For ranged top laners look into Gnar, Kennen, and Ryze (Ryze is op right now so he will definitely get nerfed next patch). Out of the 3 I would pick Gnar if the Ryze nerfs next patch aren't insane.


Mid lane will probably be your favorite lane if you like ranged burst. Look into playing

Annie (High burst aoe cc mage that can initiate with flash summoner spell and ultimate)

Cassiopeia (micro intensive mage that scales incredibly well into late game and can also initiate with flash ult although hers is much riskier)

Le Blanc(high mobile mage that can burst and escape) she got nerfed though so she may not be that good this patch

Karthus (this guy is similar to Cassiopeia in that he scales well into late game and he has the same ultimate as Zeus I think so there's your global spell right there)

Twisted Fate( has low range low cd hard cc, long range wave clear, and a long range tp ultimate that lets him gank other lanes)

Azir(a long range adc-like mage with disengage)

Ziggs (a super long range poke champ with low cd aoe wave clear this guy can sometimes stall out games long enough for lost lanes to recover)

Midlaners usually take ignite flash as their summoner spells, but if you want some defensive ones barrier, exhaust, and cleanse aren't bad.

I don't play jungle that much so yea.. look into fiddlesticks and Nidalee if you want ranged junglers. The more common junglers are Sejuani, Rek'Sai, and Gragas. Other notable mentions are Evelynn, Shaco, and Rengar.

Junglers usually take smite (a requirement actually) and flash as their summoner spells.

Bot lane is usually an adc accompanied by a support anything other than that is a cheese lane probably

The bursty adcs are Graves and Corki, but the ones I recommend are Vayne (Tank buster hyper carry adc with mobility), Kalista (After every auto attack she gets a short hop and she has unique interactions with her support), Ashe ( I think she is a mix of Drow ranger and Mirana), and if you are up for it Draven (Snowbally adc with extremely high damaging auto attacks).

Adcs usually take heal and flash as their summoner spells.

If you end up with support go Leona (Champ with hard cc, tankiness, and damage, she can initiate or protect the carries), Blitzcrank (kinda like pudge but he can't grab allies instead he has an aoe silence and movement speed increase ability to get into positions to innitiate), Thresh( this guy is also similar to pudge but his damage isn't insane), and Janna ( probably the best support cause she gives the adc an unfair amount of stats with her shield and her ult is really good she isn't really an initiator though)

Supports take either ignite/flash or exhaust/flash as their summoner spells.

Oh yea also you happen to be in luck right now because this week Twisted Fate, Blitzcrank, and Draven are available for use so you can try them out without buying them just for this week though next Tuesday will have a different set of "free" champs. Make sure to try them out at least once in a bot game to get the feel of the champ and you can use this site to help you with builds, powerspike timings, and win rate vs other champs. Also note that although the site provides a build order that doesn't mean it is the best one because in certain situations a different item may be a higher priority due to the enemy team composition. Oh and also be aware that although this site gives item builds it only lists the complete item and doesn't list any component that might have been bought early. For example there is an item called Tear of the Goddess and this item gives the champ more max mana when they cast a spell. Obviously one would buy the tear early and get more max mana then buy the fully upgraded item later in the game when they already have one or two other completed items so be aware of this when looking at the items you should probably just look for a guide somewhere maybe or something.



Visions's Pet Fox

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i Can say ive been playing Mabi everyday ever since i started playing mabi. so i haven't gone anywhere XD but it feels good to be back in Visions. ive always felt this was my Home.

The Pet Fox. dont call someone a monster just because they have a tail and ears of a animal. Become friends with them for they can be kind and playful and dont abuse the kitsunes we are just a simple kind of fox for i am a kitsune myself. 



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